Game Background

Battle Moon Wars

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Battle Moon Wars is a PC-made series of Super deformed Tactical RPGs created by Dojin soft developer and publisher Werk in 2005. Its popularity in Japan has given rise to a number of Battle Moon Wars games. The series has a basic similarity to the Super Robot Wars series and its Super deformed looks, as well as taking its crossover concept. The game uses the crossover of Type-Moons visual novel and anime series, including Tsukihime and Fate/stay night with several original characters made exclusive by Werk. Their involvement in the series are covered as Acts. The game is completely translated, with the story content and interface all translated to English. Known Type-Moon series included Fate/hollow ataraxia Fate/stay night Fate/unlimited codes Fate/zero Kara no Ky??kai Kagetsu Tohya Melty Blood Tsukihime

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