Game Background

Armored Core: Nine Breaker

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Armored Core: Nine Breaker brings back the super strong Nine Ball mech who appeared in the original PlayStation Armored Core. Those who can defeat Nine Ball (which likely means you if you see the end credits of Nine Breaker) are labeled as the true most powerful mech around, the Nine Breaker. In Armored Core: Nine Breaker, players play through two main modes of play: training mode and arena mode. Training mode features 150 programs that test players skills. Players can try out programs that focus on attack, defense, movement, technic, special and overall. Each of these areas are further divided, with attack comprised of multiple tests in accuracy, power, judgment, hit - single and hit - melee. Arena mode is a battle mode in which players take on other mechs in battle. Mech modification, the series bread and butter, is of course featured heavily in Nine Breaker.

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