Game Background

DragonBox Elements

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Save Euclids Island from Osgard The goal of the game is simple - build an army to defeat the evil dragon, Osgard. Behind each level are the properties of shapes, with each move you are interacting with geometric proofs. Build Your Army To help you defeat Osgard and win the game, you must build an army. Your army is full of cleverly hidden shapes that only appear once you have successfully completed the proof. Who is Euclid? What are his Elements? DragonBox Elements takes its inspiration from ???Elements???, one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics. Written by the Greek mathematician Euclid, Elements describes the foundations of geometry using a singular and coherent framework. Its 13 volumes have served as a reference textbook for over 23 centuries, and DragonBox Elements makes it possible for players to master its essential axioms and theorems after just a couple of hours playing!

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