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Pumpkin Death Garden

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2D top-down arcade survival shooter, in which you grow and defend your pumpkin patch from bugs! Get competitive on the leaderboard! Your score is the amount of bugs you killed. Are you a shotgun person, a sniper rifle person, or an assault rifle person? Try them out to find your favourite. Each has a unique play style with strengths and drawbacks! When you level up, you are given a choice of three random gun mods. Sometimes youll have to improvise, and work with whatever you get! Earn coins when you play, and spend them on upgrades! Currently 40 upgrades available, with more planned for the next update! There is no DLC, and no in-game purchases. You get the full game! Want to sit back, relax, and shoot some bugs? Play the game on normal speed. Looking for an intense challenge? Try the game on 1.5x speed, or even 2x speed! W, A, S and D to move. Use the mouse to aim, and left click to shoot. Feel free to leave a review. Enjoy!

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