Game Background

Pianista: The Legendary Virtuoso

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High end Piano Music Game. Play premium sound on Nintendo Switch??? Beautifully tuned music and marvelous technique awaits. Lay your fingers on the controller to explore the sound of piano. MATIN??E - Choose 4 keys or 6 keys to perform, and select 3 songs to play. Challenge highest score to compete with others in Rank, also hidden stages are available when you achieve special missions. CONCOURS - Packaged challenge sorted by different themes. This mode features various difficulty and missions. Show your best performance in CONCOURS ENSEMBLE - Using Joy con to perform a duet. Customize your own play style using different piano skins, speed options, and more options with friends for best result. LIBRARY - Check your play status, and also world???s famous composers and their songs. PIANO - There are many piano skins to collect, which inspired by world???s famous paintings. Achieve special missions to complete your collection!

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