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Generative Dungeon

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Within the Generative Dungeon collection lies 3,000 unique playable, customizable RPGs. While the game mechanics remain fundamentally similar throughout, each dungeon has its own set of unique traits, from the default character and number of levels to the starting level and pixelated tileset. Alongside these unique properties, each dungeon functions as both a digital asset to the owner, and a predominantly skill-based game to the players. Owners may keep levels in their originally-generated state, or build them from the ground-up, creating an adventure full of enemies, lore, and so much more. Players can level up their character by progressing through floors, defeating enemies, and purchasing upgrades and scrolls through shops. They can play each dungeon to completion, or race to the end in hopes of making a name for themselves atop the leaderboard. As stated previously, GD is much more than a game ??? its a digital asset to the owners, allowing them to showcase their creativity to gamers while providing them with utility larger than the game itself.

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