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Wild is an open world action adventure created by Michel Ancel. WiLD is set in a lush, expansive world where you will learn and adapt to the ever changing world around you, whilst uncovering the secrets of the land. As you would expect from mother nature, the world will continually change through different time of day, weather and seasonal changes. Once you get used to your surroundings, you will learn Shamanic abilities in order to take control of animals and exploit their unique abilities to assist with your survival. Discovering the relationship between man and nature is the essence of WiLD. As you can take control of any animal in the world, this opens up huge potential for emergent gameplay that will be unique to you. Announced in 2014, information about the game stopped soon after Paris games week in 2015 but little else followed the news. Sony recently, March 2019, filed a trademark for the games title and new activity on Facebook ahead of E3 likely means more information to come at the event. The game uses Linguini Engine developed by Pastagames Studios in collaboration with Wild Sheep Studio.

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